
Showing posts from 2016
           Australian King Parrots One of the great things about living in Australia is the abundance of birdlife from Sparrows to Eagles. Where I am living at the moment in Sydney there are lot of different species  of parrots flying around the neighbourhood and I was fortunate enough to spot these two King Parrots in my front yard . So grabbing the camera I managed to get them on film so to speak as the moment can be brief  before they flew off in search of more food. The Australian King Parrot ranges down the east coast of Australia from Cooktown to the bottom of Victoria where it in lives in a variety of habitats from rainforests to grassy woodlands. The male has brighter colours than the females and the nesting season is from September to January in which the female lays up to 5 eggs in the nest which is a hollow high up in a tree. The King parrot feeds on blossoms , acorns and it sometimes raids orchards to feed on fruit a...

Kookaburra sits on the Hills hoist

The call of the Kookaburra is one of the most distinctive and well known calls of an Australian bird one that is recognisable all over the world. The call sounds like a human laugh which gives the bird it's name of the Laughing Kookaburra one of the four species of Kookaburras that inhabit Australia and New Guinea . It is actually a warning call as Kookaburras are territorial birds and when they are laughing they telling other Kookaburras and other birds flying around their territory to back off. The Laughing Kookaburra lives in the East coast of Australia from Cape York to Tasmania and they nest in hollow logs or hollows in treeseven in termite nests. The male and female are very similar no real difference between the two. The nesting season is from September to January with the female laying up to 3 eggs at a time . Kookaburras are predators which means they prey on mice ,snakes and lizards and are quite fond of dropping in on a barbicue to grab a bit of meat so watch...

The challenge of the Bush

The First settlers found living in the new land of Australia very challenging and the colony struggled to survive in a harsh land. The free settlers found it tough for the convicts both male and female as well as children life was even harder for they were used as labour to build the new colonies infrastructure such as roads ,buildings and for the lucky ones as servants for the wealthy and luck was in that in particular for the women they worked for someone who treated them well. There were no walls to keep the convicts confined to the settlement for the Governor considered the bush to be walls enough and for good reason.  For many convicts freedom was a long way off and for some it was for therm of their natural lives they were to serve thier sentence so faced with that kind of prospects many did take off into the bush , many did not last long . Some were killed by the Aboriginies others got lost and starved to death  others came back to face the music rather than d...