Kicked by a horse (part 3)

So far I've managed to avoid being trampled by a mob of cattle being eaten by hawks and now a storm was about to hit as I lay injured in a paddock after being kicked by a horse.
By now I had figured that my hip was a bit broken so was not going to be able to move far on my own steam as for help coming? After 40 minutes help arrived as the storm rolled off into the distance not a drop touching the ground but lightning strikes are a major cause of bush and grass fires so it was good timing .
It arrived in the form of the bosses wife who rolled up in the Land Rover after assisting me into the vehicle where I lay on the floor we headed back to the homestead which was an hours drive from the paddock . So as we bumped along I was attended to by two sympathetic Blue cattle dogs keeping a watchful eye as I winced in pain at every Jolt and bump of that ride.
Reaching the homestead I was bundled into another four wheel which Bluey one of the station hands then drove me to meet up with the ambulance from Coolowee a really ,really small town in the outback.
Along the way he regaled me with all the stories of people been killed and injured out here did I tell you that Bluey was one of those blokes that never shuts up he could talk someone to death he could.
Thankfully after an hour of listening to him rattle on we met up with the ambulance where I transferred into it , Bluey all the while still yabbering on even as the nurse closed the doors on him ah the relief.
Not sure which was more painful my damaged hip or Bluey earbashing for an whole hour.
The ambulance was been driven by a Shirley a middle aged no nonsense woman but always ready for a laugh the nurse was new not met her before but she was very pretty and fresh out of university first week into an eight week contract at Coolowee health clinic.
Now you would think that that we were close to Coolowee by now well in out back terms we were at least three hours away it was going to be a long day. 
The first thing the pretty young nurse did was ask me a question which was 'Are you wearing underpants?'

Part 4 coming soon


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