Man and dogs have been together for at least 50,000 years as companions and working partners and within that time the wolf became many different breeds from lapdogs to Great Danes.

Australia has only one native dog and that is the Dingo even the pure bred dingo is becoming rare that to interbreeding with the domesticated dogs that first came to Australia with the first fleet.

These dogs roam in packs as dogs do as they are pack animals your own dog considers you and your family as part of his pack so you better let them know whose boss otherwise you will be keeping on the floor and the dog on the bed.

The dogs that roam in the bush are very cunning animals and it is very difficult to find them and one hardly sees them mind you I am pretty sure they see us and it is an interesting feeling knowing they are there but you cannot see them.

The wild dogs cause a lot of problems with farmers by killing livestock and attempts at eradicating the animals by trapping , shooting and poisoning have not been very successful . Some are arguing that theses wild hybrids between the Dingo and domestic dog should be allowed to roam free as they are part of environment . It is a difficult balance to achieve farmers protecting their livelihood , keeping the pure bred Dingo from disappearing from the wild forever hopefully we can find a solution to the problem


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