Kicked by a horse Part 4

'The question was 'Are you wearing underpants?' Are you kidding me I have been kicked by a horse and the nurse asks me if I'm wearing underpants?
To be fair she needed to take down my jeans to asess my injury and gentlemen your mothers advice to always wear clean underwear comes in handy hear. 
After having a look the nurse was satisfied that I was in no real danger of dying she did up my jeans and a few hours later we arrived at Coolowee and I was bundled onto a bed in the clinic and the nurse produced a very large needle hmmmm. 

The nurse did not want me to watch as she stuck it in ,needles don't bother me but she insisted so I turned around and started reading a poster about malaria and how to avoid the mosquitoes that carry it.
I felt a very sharp jab and heard the nurse swear turning my head to have a look only to see bright red spurting out of my artery like a fountain, talk about avoiding malaria carrying mosquitoes here she was giving them a free feed how nice.

The nurse started to frantically stem the flow meanwhile I went back to reading the poster, eventually she got it stopped but must've used up all the bandages in the clinic to do so.
Then she runs out of the room she comes back with a mop and bucket I enquired if there was much blood on the she just nodded her head and started mopping away.

The call had gone out for the for the Flying Docter service to come and pick me up so after cleaning up the floor and sticking a drip in me I was loaded back into the ambulance Shirley looking at the massive pile of bandages on my arm and shakes her head before driving us to await the Flyin Doc.

The flying Doc arrived with the doc having a look at my injury before I was loaded onboard seems that wasn't the only patient there was a bloke covered in more bandages than I was  and wondered what what had happened to him as we taxied down the runway.
The plane took off and began to head towards Mt Isa in Queensland all was going smoothly when an engine began to splutter.

Part 5 coming soon


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