The Bull Ant is one you do not want to have joining your picnic  for they are on mean nasty creature very, very aggressive they are no matter how big you are they will stand up to you and some species can jump onto you if you get close enough the one pictured below known as the jumping jack or Bulldog ant.
There are about 94 different species of the Bull Ant throughought Australia and some of them have the most toxic venom in the insect world .
People have died after being stung due to severe allergic reactions from the venom some like myself are fortunate or unfortunate  depending  on what perspective you look at it that on being stung we experienced extreme pain.
A bush remedy is to rub broken onto the sung are which sorts it out to the other extreme one would need an Epi pen to prevent an anaphylactic reaction and some people have gone into cardiac arrest after being stung.
Yep it is one mean ant the colonies are small with a queen and the workers go out on their own to forage bringing food back to the nest to feed the larvae and they will attack if threatened .
The Bull Ant has very large mandibles with sharp teeth which they use to grip onto you and then they bring out their real weapon THE STING it does not have barbs on it which means the ant can keep stinging as many times it wants when its finished THE STING retracts into the abdomen . 
As I said before they are one mean aggressive ant and when I'm in the bush I keep a wary eye out for them and treat them with respect because if you don't it could be deadly.
If you want more info on the Bull Ants check it out on wikipedia and you will see a lot pics and info.


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