Kicked by a Horse part 6 the end

Ok so far I have survived the journey to the hospital including a nurse hellbent on destruction in his attempts to kill a very large bug that somehow eluded his attempt to do so.
The destruction only came to an end when the head grabbed the male nurse by the ear and dragged him out screaming meanwhile the bug bored with all the fuss flew off leaving me wondering what next?

Needless to say I survived the week in the hospital the first few days being looked after by a lovely nurse the only down side was being woken up every couple of hours in the night to take some medicine.
The results of the CT scans and X-rays showed that a bit of bone had been broken off at the tip of my pelvis and there was a fracture running along the top of my pelvis plus two fractured ribs which made sneezing an painful experience .

All in all spent  a week in hospital the next couple of months hobbling around on crutches and the last ten years living with an injury that does not go away.
Every day I feel pain it just varies in the degree of pain I feel plus the hip pops out quite easily at times and that can be very painful.

One time was at a mates place in the bush when my hip went , there I was lying on the floor in agony and my mates all wanting to give me their variations of painkillers.
It was a choice between the Rum , beer or the whiskey eventually two of them picked me up and carried me to a bed where I crashed out not much else could be done as we were in the middle of nowhere on a property.
The next morning the hip had moved back into place somewhat and it was off to the chiropractor  she put it back in place ah the relief but it is an ongoing thing , just have to live with it and yes there are times that I get down about it .
On reflection it could have been a lot worse at least I can still walk and do things its just part of life and raging against it is not going to help had to accept that it happened do that and one learns to live with it.
There might come a day that I might get the hip replaced maybe sooner rather then later see how it goes things could change.

Working on cattle properties and farms can be dangerous, accidents can and do happen from helicopters crashing to arms and legs being sawn off by chainsaws some happen out of carelessness others just happen.
Working with large animals whether they are wild or domesticated can be hazardous simply because they can be unpredictable I have seen bull riders at rodeos get crushed by bulls no matter what you do  you have to accept that there are hazards and not ignore them.
Always keep your awareness of you surroundings and the behaviour of people and animals take note of anything different it could save your life.
Meanwhile I am getting on with mine not going to mope around thinking about if only, should've and what could have been if I done things different life's  too short I do have my good and bad days but I still get on with living.

Names and places have been changed to protect the identities of those involved even the horse .


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